Sunday, October 20, 2013

Query and Reservation on Child Abuse Law (R.A. 7610)

Image: Augusto Starita in (WC)
Does this law make the children spoiled? I have a hesitation and reservation on the child abuse law under the Republic Act 7610 of the Philippines. It is in fact valid to protect a child from any form of abuse or cruelty. But sometimes a situation would require physical disciplinary actions that may fall under "child abuse law" in order to save the child, like choosing less evil from two evil situations.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Message of Bohol Earthquake for All of Us

The Message
When the earthquake in Bohol had started to shake the ground and the neighboring region, people were panic and many cried for the death of their loved ones. What is the message of Bohol earthquake? The message is that anytime death may come to anybody. Nobody knows when the death will come.

So what is the point of living before death since death may come at any moment?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Learning from DeDiva's Slur Against Filipinas

A racist slur or discrimination can create anger, or hatred which may escalate into widespread untoward reaction or action.

How a demeaning comment has started or formed in the mind? And how to reform this mindset so that it will not do harm to anyone and also to the self as the consequence?