Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Atis Cures a Swelling Arthritis, and many others

My mother's friend Manang Didang who remained single at her age of 79 was hampered by a swelling arthritis in her knee. She lived alone in her house and did a living by herself. This illness slowed down her daily household chores like feeding her domestic animals. She had a difficulty in taking care of her farm where she tilt it by herself at times of financial difficulty.

Wanting to get cured she went to a pharmacy and buy diclofenac sodium 50mg and dexamethasone for three pairs. After few days, the pain insisted and the swelling was progressing. She was a bit worried that it would burst, as stressed by Manang Didang.

Hoping against hope, she gathered atis leaves (sugar apple leaves) that might help her alleviate the pain. She pounded them and wrapped her knee them. When the pounded leaves got dry, she replaced it with a another pounded fresh atis leaves. According to her, she did it three times at night even during sleeping time. After few days she could not believe that her knee was cured and became normal again.

I am not really sure if atis did the cure for her arthritis or just coincidence. It remains to be verified for those who are and will be experiencing arthritis.

Other uses of atis leaves

Well there is a benefit of the scent of atis leaves. It can be used for people who feels fainting or about to pass out by crumpling its leaves and allow the fainting person to inhale its scent, according to Herminia de Guzman Ladion's book "Mga Kahibulongang Pag-ayo sa mga Tanum".

My neighbor who suffered in mild asthma in her lifetime used atis leaves by inhaling the scent of crumpled atis leaves as the alleviating agent to ease her gasping breath. Disclaimer: do not use atis as primary medicine for asthma for it may not be fitted in your case or it may not work for severe asthma attack.

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