Monday, August 3, 2015

The Requirements of Married Life

Like applying for a job if you do not have the qualifications and requirements, do not apply for marriage or else it will be most likely a failure. Marriage success depends on skills, self preparation, wealth, time and focus. How many marriages were shattered? How many children were raised spoiled, irresponsible, and ill-mannered? If you do not have the qualifications and requirements do not be one of the dysfunctional family by reckoning the needs of married life.

What are the qualifications and requirements of married life? If you skim through them below they are common but taken for granted. However they need to be enumerated and posted for emphasis on forgetful awareness.

The qualifications and requirements:

Time to rear children.
Many Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) were having spoiled or ill-mannered children. If by all possible means do not work abroad so to raise and form the children properly from time to time. It is very important to never miss investing the time with them especially when they were young, the crucial point of forming the behavior, attitude and manners. If however the partner needs to work abroad, the ones left should see to it that time with children should not be sacrificed in the expense of other activity like business, personal concerns, etc. The priority is time for raising children above other things.

Knowledge in rearing a child.
Time without knowledge in rearing a son or daughter is useless. Knowing what value to instill is a good start, like responsibility, trustworthiness, honesty, respect and love, care and help, fear of God, etc. Then how to instill them, through telling stories with moral lesson, minor activity that teach them to be responsible, honest, etc. Then how to deal with their actions like guiding, rewarding, punishing, reprimanding and not intervening on the consequence of their action or else the bad character will be formed instead.

How mature is your physical health to sleep with sleepless nights as you attend your baby, and to do your job well done? How mature is your emotional strength to face stress, depression, any challenges and the test of time? How mature is your spiritual aspect, like relationship with God, the ultimate goal in life?

Wealth and money.
This is a very obvious necessary requirement to buy well balanced food, for education, for clothing and house, for emergency situation, for hiring a worker or helper, and for relaxation and vacation. These are the ideal needs to form a good and successful family in the long run.

Mutual love and support.
The very first reason why a couple bond themselves in marriage is no other things but the need of each other's love. Without it marriage might end unexpectedly. It must be founded well on care and concern for each other through the years. The need of needing each other's support and love.

Other Topic:
Making Life Romantic or Boring

If you find it helpful, share it with your friends too. Have a nice day.

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