Sunday, January 12, 2014

All People in the World are to be Blamed for the Killed Victims of Super Typhoon Yolanda

No one had admitted the blame for the killed victims caused by super typhoon Yolanda. Everyone is passing and pointing fault to somebody, to government or to agency, etc.

Image: Henry Donati (CC)
Humans Created Super Typhoon
A typhoon is natural phenomenon. But a super typhoon is the product of unmindful human activity. How Yolanda became super typhoon? Warm ocean has been the main contributing factor of the increasing strength of a typhoon. The warmer the sea, the more vapor will rise to strengthen the the power of a formed storm or typhoon. Of course there are other factor of how a super typhoon is developed such as the closeness of the formed typhoon to the sea, but the warming of the ocean is the vital factor which all people can do something about it.

The Unmindful Acts
Do humans contribute to the warming of sea temperature? Absolutely! Each person has contributed to the global warming. In what way?
* Burning- like billions or trillion cigarette smokers in the whole world, if placed in one area that is a big smoke already. Who will quit smoking first? Smoke emitting factories and vehicles are proliferating. Deforestation for charcoal business are looming especially in poor country. Burning of plastics, etc. are some culprits of global warming.

The Forgotten or Crawling Right Actions and Ways
Avoid burning if possible such as plastics or trash of garbage. Recycling and segregating is still one of the best thing to do up to these days. It is still appropriate to allow bio-degradable garbage to decompose without burning. And recycle things that can be used again. These are old suggestions and yet still worth doing for a lifetime and "forever". If we fail to do these, another super typhoon will be formed again and even worst than Yolanda. We will be suffering from our own unmindful actions.

Pursuing and Accomplishing the Alternative Way
Electric powered vehicles, such as e-bike or e-jeepney and new source of electricity that does not require burning like solar panel, wind and water turbines are still recommendable up to these days. Bio-gas is also helpful in lessening global warming. Instead methane gas evaporates and act as "greenhouse effect", it will be consumed through gas stoves. In this way there is lesser emission of carbon dioxide than using firewoods for cooking.

The Big Mistake
But where does the money go instead of environment-friendly projects and scientific exploration as an alternative to coal and petroleum fuels that emits carbon dioxide? Graft and corruption like pork barrel scam, greediness, lust for power are big blockade to this good enterprise for new discovery of environment-friendly sources of energy. Before kickbacks think of others also. Why accumulate more wealth when your are killing many people in the long run because of improper appropriation of funds.

I think we should include it in our new year's resolution this year before climate change get worst.

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Worth Reading:
A Blanket Around the Earth (Global Warming) by NASA

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