Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Curing A Hard to Heal Wound

A tenacious wound would sometimes worry us especially if it was infected for almost four weeks or more. I never expected that it lasted that long. I worried for this small wound that it might be the cause of my leg amputation.

I did not take an antibiotic because all my wounds were healed by themselves and it was a small wound in the first place, like one centimeter.

What made this wound peculiar was the location which was found at the top of the large vein near at my ankle. At its second week fluids are coming out that turned into pus even if I bathed it with hydrogen peroxide every now and then which I usually do to my previous wounds. But it did not work at this tenacious wound.

As I did research on the internet, lacking nutrients is one. But I thought I had basic nutrients and others. Another cause is diabetes but I thought it was not possible because a small wound on my other foot was healed two weeks before this tenacious wound had begun.

I almost yielded to take antibiotics but I tried a product that contains lactobacilli. It is called LACTO PAFI. Believe it or not it cured my tenacious wound after five days of applying it directly to the wound. I was happy and relieved when my wound was finally healed. It worked like magic. Thanks to this friendly bacteria that are distributed in the market.

Moreover, a product named Yakult has lactobacilli also which could be used as a substitute if in case the former product is not available in your area. However, I did not try yet Yakult instead of LACTO PAFI. If it works with you kindly inform me.

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