Thursday, October 19, 2017

An effective solution to a very offensive armpit odor

Whether you yourself or the other person has a strong armpit odor, it is a matter of significant social attention because both and others are affected by disgusting offensive smell .

For those who have offensive armpit odour it is shameful. For those who meet these malodorous persons it becomes awkward and unpleasant approach or conversation.

Thus, it is good to inform those who have this kind of problem about this solution. There is a myth that I want to disprove. Myth: there are people (with armpit bad odour) who are beyond treatment, even with the most expensive deodorant.

Well we do not need an expensive deodorant here. The cheapest deodorant will do but we need to wash first the armpit with a solution. At this point, please take note very carefully the kind of solution that I am about to introduce. The solution must contain seven point five percent of betadine (7.5%), NOT 10% of betadine. Sometimes a saleslady became less attentive to 7.5% and give you the 10% instead. You need to be emphatic and clear of your request.

What to do?

Pour 3 to 5 drops of betadine (7.5% solution) unto your palm and mix it with approximately 40 drops of water and lather it with your hands. Then rub your armpit with your hands for at least 15 seconds. After that rinse them thoroughly with water. Notice the freshness and the absence of bad odour. Wipe them dry and put any deodorant that you prefer.

The 7.5% of betadine is also effective to eliminate foot odour. However it is not recommended to be used on sensitive parts of the body, especially the genitals. However if it is extremely needed, one drop of 7.5% betadine solution must be mixed with 750 drops of water to avoid irritation on genitals as possible.

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