Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How to Catch your Audience Attention

Is it possible to speak effectively in front of a big group of people even if you do not have the wit? I would say, big yes. It is a matter of practice, exercise, and technique. Like a drama actress or actor who is very effective in delivering their lines, everyone listen attentively. I have a high regard to their acting skills. But when it comes to hosting and spontaneity some flunk in delivering properly and correctly as they read it from the teleprompter. So what were missing? I think they lack practice, and a lot of exercises. So it is possible to be a good speaker, a seller, a class reporter, a lecturer, or a host.

Before practicing and some exercises we have to deal with the techniques first.

Here are the techniques im catching the audience attention:
  1. Lively. Be healthy so that liveliness will be emitted will full effect. Only your dog will listen to you if you speak weak and dispirited. Slow professors in my college made me sleepy. I did not understand anything. Being lively will charge the audience with energy.

  2. Confidence. Mastery of a subject will always portray confidence through the body language and the speech. Keep practicing until confidence is embedded in your personality and manners.

  3. Motivator. Before explaining the main topic, giving them reasons why your audience will have to listen to you is one of the sure way to catch their attention.

  4. Clear and sharp. It takes time to organize your thought and ideas. Precise and specific examples will always make the idea easy to undertand and remember. General ideas are often forgotten.

  5. Connection. What make the audience to lend their ears is talking about their interests, visions, issues, family concerns. Common things that can make you and the audience connect is a good technique too.

  6. Informative. Speech with full of facts in relation to your audience concern would nail their ears to your mouth.

  7. Funny. Having a sense of humor sometimes makes you irresistible in front of your audience. Sense of humor must be in line with your topic so that it will not deviate from it. However, if sense of humor is outside of the topic can be considered when your audience seemed sleepy.

  8. Profound and Sensible. Who will listen to a speaker whose ideas are shallow or trivial? I would rather read on Reader's Digest or watch interesting story on tv, etc. instead.

  9. Offer solution, recommendation. If there is a solution to offer, your audience will not leave until they are satisfied with you. Be sure that it is a true solution and not bluff.

  10. Credible. What you speak must be true so that you will be reliable. It is better to back up with evidences and facts so to put off doubts especially if you are not the expert of certain field of arts or science.

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