Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How to Take Care of One's Heart

The title is a very common question and yet significant when health is at risk. So better keep the mind on being healthy than regret later.

Lately I had a mild heart attack, that made me almost to collapse. I am not a smoker, nor a red meat and cholesterol lover, nor hypertensive too. What is the reason of this? What is the cause? These were the questions that were popping in my head.

During my heart attack recent events were flashing back such as hatred, anger that were simultaneously causing my heartbeat in congestive manner. No doubt negative feelings that are lingering and occupying for days or for weeks and the worst for years are one of the reasonable factors of my heart attack. This pushed me to come up with the idea of how to take care of one's heart.

Here are my own enumerated reasons and causes of heart illness:
  1. Stress- in a form of worry, fear such as threats whether physically or financially or even spiritually, especially in the brink of danger.
  2. Bad relationship -breakup, quarrelling,
  3. Failure- it depends on how serious you deal with it.
  4. Burden to the heart-such as neglected responsibility that may take bad effect in the future, or distress in a form of injustice for example.
  5. Anger, hatred.- even before and during sleep, the heart beats fast and at times cannot rest.
  6. Prohibition or suppression-it may make the heart sad.
  7. Sedentary lifestyle - sit, recline, then sit.
  8. Lack of sleep or insomia.
  9. High cholesterol food and saturated fats - take some time to read nutritious facts in the processsed food.

Now what make the heart healthy. A happy heart is a healthy heart, like laughter is the best medicine.

Here are the reasons that make the heart healthy:
  1. Happy disposition- like counting your blessing. Focusing on positive things.
  2. Good relationship- with family, with friends, with people around you.
  3. Purpose in life-like contributing to the growth of the society or most of all to one's family. It is form of self-expression and self fulfillment.
  4. Accomplishment- little success can uplift a sad heart.
  5. Play- it is a vital activity to make the heart healthy. Be sure a play must invite happy mood especially laughter. Playing with children is most likely joyful.
  6. Good sleep- let the heart rest and recuperate. A nap during early afternoon contributes to a healthy heart.
  7. Cardiovascular exercise-jogging or running or any fast moving routine for 5 times a week for 30 minutes, again for 30 minutes, not 20 minutes because the heart needs 10-minute sustained fast heart rate after 20 minutes of jogging, as the doctor said over the radio.
  8. B-complex vitamin for a strong muscle such as our heart. Muscle weakness could be a symptom of vitamin B complex deficiency.
  9. Vitamin D or sun's rays for 10 to 15 minutes at early morning or late afternoon. It will prevent heart failure but not heart attack nor stroke according to the study.
  10. Fish, instead of red meat to avoid bad fats.

However, Omega 3 has baseless claim to prevent and cure heart disease according to the study, experts and doctors. Besides it may raise the risk of prostate cancer to men as published in National Cancer Institute, USA
Even the company of this oats is not sure of the benefit as they used the word "may" three times in their nutrition facts.

Ways to eliminate negative feelings

Negative feelings are inevitable such as anger that may turn into hatred. It advisable not to prolong it as the heart will suffer in the long run. Now let us go to ways of eliminating.
  1. Yoga through self-suggestion. With this exercise it helps to normalize heartbeat after series of auto-suggestion. During the relaxed state in yoga, just pronounce this whether through the mouth or mentally: "My heart beats continuously and freely, really freely." Of course this applies only when you are angry or in hatred not in heart defect itself. (yoga guide)
  2. Prayer- any form of prayer may do as long as it contains love and forgiveness. After surrendering my hatred and anger to God as a form of releasing it from heart without holding back anything, I noticed a warm feeling from cold one with a corresponding light heartbeat turning into normal rhythm.

Quotations that may relieve bad feelings:
  • For anger and hatred- "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written, 'it is mine to avenge, I will repay ', says the Lord ." (Romans 12:19)

  • For fear- "...If God is for us, who shall be against us." (Romans 8:31)

  • For worry- "Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap... And yet your heavenly father feeds them. And are you not much valuable than they? " (Matthew 6:26)

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