Friday, July 24, 2015

How to regain happiness despite negative circumstances

I was wondering why do some people seem always happy and able to manage well their sanity despite negative events in their lives.

Circumstances that may rob our happiness are cheat, unfairness, fraud, injustice, robbery, slander, infidelity, bad news, threat, fear, worry, etc. How to console your feeling when are preoccupied with some of these?

Possible ways to regain happiness

  • Imitate Laughter. It was very interesting to watch people who were exercising in laughter yoga. Everyone laughed in a room which incited me to laugh also. As I was imitating laughter, it made a happy feeling to the heart. The funny laughter made me laugh and enjoyable. All the more when I looked at the mirror and my facial expression made me a series of laugh as I watched at my face pleasurably. Caution, do it yourself privately.

  • Be surrounded with good and happy people. Being at the presence of smiling and happy people will charge and uplift you with good and healthy energy. I am wondering why do many people greet me with their friendly smile even if I do not know them. Good vibes multiply and will come in return.

  • Re-visit the happy moments. How happy you were when a person in need received a help from you. Such a happy moment is so precious that only by recalling and reliving a smile in your face portrays fulfillment and joy.

  • Sleep well. Leave all the hatred and anger of injustice, cheat, any negative to the Lord. "...Do not let the sun go down while you are angry" (Ephesians 4:26). Sleep well and do not be bothered in your sleep anymore because it is the time to rest and recover. For in the following day you have to be ready to face the day in making the things that are of most valuable. Smile as you wake up and thank God for another day of your life.

  • Relationship with God. Sometimes a bigger negative that involves great anger or hatred bothers a person in sleep. And it takes a great power to quench that great anger. If justice is denied for example, God will take a revenge for us in His time (Romans 12:19). His promise hopefully will bring us in peace. It is very important to have a true relationship with God so that you have the ultimate consoler, protector and giver of ultimate life.

    In committing yourself to God you hear his words as your first step in building a relationship with Him. Committing to God will say no to betrayal, meaning no turning back in exchange of something that will do harm to your neighbor, to your self, and to God. If God said, be productive (Matthew 21:19), it is your commitment to Him . But how can you be productive if you are losing your sanity with the negatives mentioned above? But as I said a commited Christian will hear his words, never betray, nor turn his back in exchange of malicious selfish desire. So a commited Christian chooses happiness instead of hatred in order to be productive. It is a matter of choosing anger, hatred, worry, fear or God. We cannot serve two masters at the same time so we have to choose.

Take a deep breath and smile.

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1 comment:

  1. The video of laughter yoga above is interesting at the middle part and onwards. So just continue watching and enjoy the true laughter.
