Friday, July 31, 2015

Making Life Romantic or Boring

As I was looking for an answer "what makes a person romantic or unromantic?", I met a young mother at her 20's though beautiful but it seemed romance bid her goodbye with her unkempt hair, dry skin, worn dress and bored face. What were the reasons of her unromantic look and behavior?

I was pondering on what makes a person romantic or unromantic.
Here are my preliminary results:

The romantic person (is):
Fragrant, neat, well-mannered, smiling and happy, lively, adventurous, active, responsive, creative, improving, responsible, initiates, shares, invests, has visions and plans.

The unromantic person (is):
Foul, unkempt hair, cranky, sad and frowning, melancholic, waits, dirty, stagnant, contented, passive, indifferent, torpid, unconcerned, stingy, withdraws, and has the attitude of come what may.

As noticed, romance works in positive qualities and productive actions while negative qualities and unyielding actions kills romance until relationship turns boring and unhappy.

Bad manners kill romance, like a pretty lady in a mall who tried to insert herself in the long que. Her unfair action had turned me off and similarly to others who fell in line were disgusted. Such action shatters relationship and so romance. This is just a simple example to stress the morally good and positive actions really matters in a relationship and romance as well.

Based on the preliminary enumeration above, not all qualities will lead and bring a person to romance. Some are temporary and passing object of romance such as beauty, fragrance, freshness, but others are necessary conveyance of possible romances along the way.

How to move towards romantic life?

Open and welcoming attitude. It is difficult to offer a cranky person something good or beautiful. So to invite romance, a wide and open smile of welcoming attitude tend to deliver romance in front of you.

Adventurous and exploring. Being contented and stagnant will make life boring. So to live the path to romance we need to continuously explore more in life with safety.

Talk and participate. There is a little possible romance to a person who are very silent and withdraws from a others. Where else can we have a fast and new sharing of ideas? Here in the internet, with your friends, in school, in the community, etc.

Create and share. Those who are lazy and stingy will likely to have a dry and boring relationship. We have the brain to help us do things that we imagine that even a trash can turned out to be a work of art, words to poem that can be a source of inspiration to everybody and eventually an opportunity of many good possibilities.

Other Topic:
How to regain happiness despite negative circumstances

If you find it helpful, share and talk it with your friends too.

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