Sunday, July 26, 2015

How to sell effectively used gadget online

It is annoying to read ads that are too short and lack of details and so the same with very long copy-paste specifications that even unnecessary details were included instead of some important details were missed out, especially about mobile phone or camera.

So how to make good ads that can really invite readers to buy your used gadget without hesitation?

To make a good ad we need to understand the apprehensions of buyers like we do.

First, we are worried of hidden defect of a product even if the ad says 100% in good condition. For example, an occasional shut down, or unstable or weak signal pick-up, short-circuited component for battery or software problem of a cellphone, are things that we do not want to possess.

Second, we are anxious of the authenticity of the product, especially that some fake have almost the same built as with the original.

Third, we are a bit cautious of our security with the seller with whom we do not know. How safe is this transaction with this stranger?

These are basic anxieties that emerge when buying secondhand gadget online.

So what must a seller do to effectively gain readers' trust on the product and to the seller also?

Here are the steps:

  • Allow an hour of testing. Many sellers refused for testing even 30 minutes of scrutiny of which I decline to buy immediately. If you put to your ad: "Test all you can for an hour", most probably a reader would incline to trust your product.

  • Offer documented warranty. If the product is sealed, one day warranty is good enough for the assurance of the buyer so to put of his worry on hidden defect until a day expires. However, the warranty must be limited only to hidden defect after test and payment. Meaning if it malfunctions after payment two hours later even if it functioned perfectly at the meeting place, it is not covered to the warranty. So all the test must be done. This limitation of warranty is to protect the interest of the seller too from accidental drop or damage or by getting wet. If returned by the buyer, he must prove the hidden defect is excluded during the test or else no return to be done.

    It is important to record the IMEI number of the phone, its model and also its software version in the warranty slip. You may include this: "Change of software version is a violation to the warranty." Time and date of payment must also be included in the warranty. Warranty document must be signed by the seller and the buyer for the assurance of both parties.

    However if the gadget is not sealed, you may buy fragile stickers and sealed the gadget by yourself and signed it at the meeting place.

  • Proof of clean record or identity. In the Philippines, NBI clearance is a documented way to prove that a person has no criminal record. Posting your NBI clearance in your ad is quenching the anxiety of your prospective buyer. Another is the physical store. Legitimate sellers with business permit have more advantage in online selling. In my case, I prefer a seller who have concrete store. I am appeased with it than not knowing the address of a seller. Third way is identification cards, like postal ID, voter's ID, or driver's license. The latter two identification cards have many authenticity feature marks to prove that the person identified is true. Having any of these three is a good advantage in selling because readers know your name and address.

  • Secure place. Mall is usually the safe and convenient place to make a transaction. It is much better that security guards are around or near. Police station could be an option if the buyer chooses it.

  • Give assurance. "100% in good condition" is the common description of ads but it must be supported with assuring words. Like, "Money back guaranteed if there is hidden defect found before one day warranty ends." Authenticity must be proved by the seller through different secret codes depending on the model of a phone for example. It is not enough to say "its original and authentic." Or comparing it with the picture in the internet forum as the basis of authenticity may also helpful. "Sealed and no history of repair" can be validated during the meeting.

  • Proper and appropriate description. Ad description must be not too short nor too long. What must be the contents of the ad description?
    • First is the brand and model of the phone for example. Camera pixels, operating system, internal memory, RAM, card slot, size of the screen, included accessories are necessary things to mention.

    • Second is the condition of the product. Everything must be revealed or else the prospective buyer will decline immediately at the first look of the product at the meeting place. The usual thing to reveal is the casing, battery condition, camera, ear-piece, mic, and the LCD or the screen. Password of a phone must be reset to manufacturer's code as this is also the problem after the sale. Everything must be transparent in the ad first so that it will be a smooth transaction in the meeting area.

    • Third is your assurance for your readers: the warranty, an hour of test, NBI clearance or your three IDs, or your store if existed together with business permit.

    • Forth is the secured meeting place.

    • Fifth is the price of the gadget. A little higher price compared to other ads makes no difference if you build trust to your customer. Credibility is more important than a price.

    • And lastly is your contact number. It is better not to use your personal contact number when publishing it in public.

It is easy to read and buyer-friendly if you present your ad with the use of bullets and spaces like I did.

If you have done all these things, your products have high selling factor. Happy selling and enjoy your day.

Related Topic:
How to Avoid Fraud from Sellers Online
How to Make a Successful Business

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