Monday, July 20, 2015

Flood kills even without drowning: How to survive

Rainy season comes again and so with a possible flood.

Before, I thought that it was easy to survive in a flood. But my assumption was proved wrong when I personally experienced a cold flood. It can really kill even without drowing and that is through hypothermia. I have heard it many times that it was the cause of death of few mountain climbers.

To survive is a matter of knowing what to do and NOT to do.

Before going through on how to prepare the body for possible hypothermia, let us talk first on flood preparation for an organized discussion.

How to detect possible flood:

  • Know your place if it is near a river, roughly around 300 to 500 meters. I did not expect that flood can also happen in the mountainous places. A river is a big factor of flooding even in high places.

  • Know the rainfall warning, typhoon and other existing weather systems. In Philippines, PAGASA, a weather bureau, that gives the rainfall warning according to color: gray, yellow, orange, red; from light and moderate, heavy, intense to torrential respectively. Slow moving weak typhoon will most likely, bring heavy rainfall, as typhoon "Seniang" did to us last December 29, 2014.

  • Look for the signs of looming flood. Long days of raining is a sign of possible flood even if it is light to moderate rainfall. In our case, before typhoon "Seniang" arrived, there was already a continuous light to moderate raining. So be cautious at the start already.

What to do:

  1. Buy ready-to-eat food and easy to cook food, like, canned goods, instant food, etc. Store them at the second floor. If none, store them in plastic wares so it will float in case cabinet covers will be forcibly opened by a water current.

  2. Buy portable stoves, lighter or matches. Secure them safely in case flood will come. Drowned stoves will be filled with water and mud and probably cannot be used for cooking.

  3. Store gallons of water for cooking and for drinking. Water pipes might be broken or leaked and will be contaminated.

  4. Store rice in an air tight container so flood will not enter and drench them.

  5. Secure a kerosene lamp. Electrical current maybe cut. This may help you keep you hot during a cold typhoon as the effect of winter season in the northern hemisphere.

  6. Make a floating device such as plastic containers, bamboo raft, etc. Or better buy a life jacket in case of extreme emergency if the flood really rises so high, like the flood in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines that covered small or bungalow houses.

  7. Ready your shoes or boots so to wear them to prevent accidental cuts leptospirosis and tetanus infection.

  8. Have a waterproof flashlight, or plastic wrapped flashlight. It is important to light your way to avoid floating materials and water current that may hurt you.

If possible evacuate to a higher places if circumstances allow.

What NOT to do:

This is the crucial part of your preparation. When moderate to heavy rain starts to pour and a weak typhoon has been announced, and near to landfall in the following day, never, never, never do a perspiring hard work or body exercises. Body heat releases very fast in cold weather when the body is wet with sweat or water . So be sure to reserve your body heat with a sweater or jacket. In case if it is necessary to plunge into the flood the stored body heat is ready to protect you from a killing hypothermia. But stay away from the flood as soon as possible and find cover and change clothes in the soonest time.

I was thankful that the flood did not reach the second floor or else my body heat will not protect me because of perspiring work I did that day. I thought it was a "doomsday" for me. It was the mark of my second life. Thank God that the heavy downpour of rain did stop immediately, like the command of Jesus to wind and waves in the Bible..

Lastly, refrain from alcoholic beverages at this time. Your heat energy will be wasted.

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