Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How to know that a person is reliable or not

Reliability is important in making new relationship with a stranger, or hiring someone whom we do not know, for absence of reliability may put you in danger, dilemma or trouble. That is why a signed agreement of both parties is used to help prevent the unwanted action of the hired person as stated in a contract. But even then it is not a guarantee. Still preventive is better than corrective. So what is needed here is an investigative mind to know the tail of the hidden personality of the new person you relate with.

How to detect unreliable person?

Fishing from the mouth.
Lie is a sign of being unreliable. Lie is detected on being unreasonable itself. Common sense will lead us that there is something wrong or unreasonable to his reason. Your mind cannot incline to accept its illogical excuse cause lie will certainly separate itself from the truth.

Insincerity stinks.
An unreliable person would sometimes talk about God or forgiveness and yet insincerity stinks and manifests in words, intonation, and in facial expression. It cannot hide because disintegrated self will show apart as the result of being insincere.

Signs of unconcern.
Unreliable person has signs of unconcern. The very obvious sign is frowning, or anger. The subtle sign of unconcern is lack of excitement, passiveness, apathy or showing a little disinterest. The subtle signs are sometimes covered with smiles. Your mind must decipher the subtle signs of unconcern and he is not 100% commited to you even if he verbally agrees to your proposal. Usually it will end up "no" at the actuality of the proposal.

Values of the person.
Values of the person will sometimes reveal themselves through personal stories, world views, and opinions of events and etc. You may discover that he loves money more than committing himself to you or maybe the other way around.

Personal background.
The things that he usually does may give you the clue of what kind of person he is such as hobbies, vices, interests, etc.

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