Thursday, September 10, 2015

Saving Your Important Day from a Looming Cough

You knew how difficult it is to work when you have a cough. But before it will get worst, to prevent it is good step. A common cough is easy to prevent when I discovered a natural common medicine.

Lately I visited a local health center for the result of my ECG and it is normal and fine. As I waited for my turn to see my doctor, I noticed two patients who were covering their mouths. The first was in TB section and sometimes passed by where I sitted. The second person waited for the result of her sputum test, X-ray and diagnosis. The latter to whom I conversed sometimes coughed with her handkerchief and I was one meter close. I did not know how safe was the distance when I talked to her and I could not step back because of small space.

When I reached home, I got weak and sleepy as if I was facing the computer monitor for five hours as the effect of radiation. In the following morning, I could not hold my concentration to think and make a topic. I had a headache, I was coughing a bit and my throat was itchy. I thought I was contaminated because it was very unusual weakness in that morning. At that time I remembered a white ground pepper or white pepper powder that I used before as preventive medicine to stop the first signs of cough. I poured one tablespoon of white ground pepper into the cup and added four tablespoons of hot water. I sipped one tablespoon one at a time and felt the burning sensation in my throat in a tolerable way as I swallowed it. After 30 minutes, my concentration to think was going back to normal, liveliness in my body was beginning to rise. Throat itchiness seemed fine as the white ground pepper passed through the throat and it seemed passing also though my ears. It was very relieving. This had really helped me a lot before the symptoms of cough would have became worst.

After two days my health was completely back to normal. Thanks to the natural medicine and also the ultimate Creator who made it for all of us.

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