Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What should your children have not possessed

Making the children happy is parents' natural tendency through material things. However, raising children by forming good values is more important than giving them expensive things. Many parents tends to avalanche their children with costly material things, especially those who work abroad as way of compensating the long absence of their physical presence. They tend to buy for their children expensive or latest mobile phone or laptop, branded shoes, shirts and jeans, high karat jewelry or watch, and even a motorcycle. These children may tend to rely their self esteem in expensive things rather than being well-developed person. Those parents are rich and not their children. Giving them expensive things and big amount of extra money is a shortcut to richness as reward of hard labor and personal development. And in this case, shortcut will not bring good result. It is good to train children to acquire things through their effort like high grades, savings, rewards of personal improvements, or selling something as a form of training. Look at this child below peddling her grandmother's cassava cake during Sunday or holidays. These is definitely better than "dole out".

But where should parents' money go?
Aside from well-balanced and nutritious food, it is primary important to develop a good personality of each child through education at present and in the future, different kinds of training, seminars as they grow older, spiritual growth and journey in holy land when they reached maturity. Visiting house of orphans, the aged people or the cancer patients could be an option for widening their social awareness and developing concern for others. Cultural travels and vacation as well as way to unwind and bonding with the family is a good emotional investment. Personal development should be varied and wholistic because a person is not just a material being. These things must be the priority above those expensive material things.

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