Monday, September 28, 2015

Securing Oneself from Fake Drugs

How to identify genuine drugs and avoid fake drugs or substandard drugs?

I consulted a doctor for my dizziness a month ago. The doctor gave me a prescription of a medicine with a generic name Cinnarizine. After I received the prescription, I went immediately to the leading drugstore. The pharmacist gave me Stugeron, the branded medicine of Cinnarizine, that cost 40 pesos each. And I had to acquire fourteen of it, so I needed to pay 560 pesos. The price made me dizzy all the more. Because of this, I asked for a generic drug instead of the branded one. But there was none available. So I bought six tablets for the meantime and the remaining eight were needed to be secured in other drugstores.

Since the dizziness were insisting I had to rest. The following day, I went to another drugstore for the remaining eight. I asked for the said generic medicine. To my suprise, it cost 5 pesos each. As I was looking at the drug, it seemed smaller than the branded. I told the saleslady, "I am looking for 25 milligrams of Cinnarizine". And she said, it was. So I just bought eight of it for size comparation and investigation. And I confirmed that the latter was indeed smaller than the branded with the same label of milligrams. I was thinking that the latter generic drug did not pass in the screening committee of the leading drugstore whose slogan says, "Your assurance of genuine drugs."

The crucial thing in taking drugs is antibiotics. It must be of the same amount of milligrams as prescribed or else bacteria will become invulnerable. Lately, I was having a wound infection. This time I took no experiment, I went for a drugstore with assurance of genuine drugs. Though I bought generic antibiotic but I was assured that similar compositition and efficacy. And it cured my wound infection.

The approach is just be cautious and buy drugs at reliable pharmacy.

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