Friday, July 31, 2015

Making Life Romantic or Boring

As I was looking for an answer "what makes a person romantic or unromantic?", I met a young mother at her 20's though beautiful but it seemed romance bid her goodbye with her unkempt hair, dry skin, worn dress and bored face. What were the reasons of her unromantic look and behavior?

I was pondering on what makes a person romantic or unromantic.
Here are my preliminary results:

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How to Catch your Audience Attention

Is it possible to speak effectively in front of a big group of people even if you do not have the wit? I would say, big yes. It is a matter of practice, exercise, and technique. Like a drama actress or actor who is very effective in delivering their lines, everyone listen attentively. I have a high regard to their acting skills. But when it comes to hosting and spontaneity some flunk in delivering properly and correctly as they read it from the teleprompter. So what were missing? I think they lack practice, and a lot of exercises. So it is possible to be a good speaker, a seller, a class reporter, a lecturer, or a host.

Before practicing and some exercises we have to deal with the techniques first.

Here are the techniques im catching the audience attention:

Sunday, July 26, 2015

How to sell effectively used gadget online

It is annoying to read ads that are too short and lack of details and so the same with very long copy-paste specifications that even unnecessary details were included instead of some important details were missed out, especially about mobile phone or camera.

So how to make good ads that can really invite readers to buy your used gadget without hesitation?

Friday, July 24, 2015

How to regain happiness despite negative circumstances

I was wondering why do some people seem always happy and able to manage well their sanity despite negative events in their lives.

Circumstances that may rob our happiness are cheat, unfairness, fraud, injustice, robbery, slander, infidelity, bad news, threat, fear, worry, etc. How to console your feeling when are preoccupied with some of these?

Possible ways to regain happiness

Monday, July 20, 2015

Flood kills even without drowning: How to survive

Rainy season comes again and so with a possible flood.

Before, I thought that it was easy to survive in a flood. But my assumption was proved wrong when I personally experienced a cold flood. It can really kill even without drowing and that is through hypothermia. I have heard it many times that it was the cause of death of few mountain climbers.

Friday, July 17, 2015

How to Make a Successful Business

Success or failure of a business depends on the number and frequency of customers. The more customers, the merrier. So our goal is to gather not just many customers but loyal customers and buyers as well. If you are a starter in business or if your business seems not improving, this article is of great help.

How to sell a product?
I have witnessed many small scale businesses that operate maybe for decades and yet seemed not improving. While few are expanding and keep enjoying the big sale. There must be some necessary rules or dynamics on selling or else the business will likely to collapse or just gaining the minimum.

Here are the important dynamics in selling a product.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How to Take Care of One's Heart

The title is a very common question and yet significant when health is at risk. So better keep the mind on being healthy than regret later.

Lately I had a mild heart attack, that made me almost to collapse. I am not a smoker, nor a red meat and cholesterol lover, nor hypertensive too. What is the reason of this? What is the cause? These were the questions that were popping in my head.