Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Treating Effectively my Hyperacidity with Plants

Fruit or leaves of guava are one of the most effective treatment for my hyperacidity. When my stomach was upset due to hyperacidity I immediately went to the garden and pinched new and tender two guava leaves to chew. After a minute hyperacidity stopped.

Guava even outdo the effectiveness of the pharmaceutical drug called Omeprazole.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Securing Oneself from Fake Drugs

How to identify genuine drugs and avoid fake drugs or substandard drugs?

I consulted a doctor for my dizziness a month ago. The doctor gave me a prescription of a medicine with a generic name Cinnarizine. After I received the prescription, I went immediately to the leading drugstore. The pharmacist gave me Stugeron, the branded medicine of Cinnarizine, that cost 40 pesos each. And I had to acquire fourteen of it, so I needed to pay 560 pesos. The price made me dizzy all the more. Because of this, I asked for a generic drug instead of the branded one. But

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Atis Cures a Swelling Arthritis, and many others

My mother's friend Manang Didang who remained single at her age of 79 was hampered by a swelling arthritis in her knee. She lived alone in her house and did a living by herself. This illness slowed down her daily household chores like feeding her domestic animals. She had a difficulty in taking care of her farm where she tilt it by herself at times of financial difficulty.

Wanting to get cured she went to a pharmacy and buy diclofenac sodium 50mg and dexamethasone for three pairs. After few days, the pain insisted and the swelling was progressing.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

God hears a prayer from a fundamental condition

If then my people, upon whom my name has been pronounced, humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven and pardon their sins and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

To humble ( oneself before God) is to come and present oneself before God with perfect helplessness, it is a total, absolute surrender to God that no thing that a person will hold on or rely upon, but in God alone, no thing to value above God, even one's life has no value, because it is in God's hands to preserve the life or annihilate it.

Turn your eyes to a rich young man (Matthew 19:16-23). He obeyed the commandments , and yet he could not enter heaven because his riches are more important to him above God. For where your heart is and so your treasure.

If you hold other treasure than God, how will God hear your pleading

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Monday, September 14, 2015

God values your existence

"Ang tao ay nilikha na kawangis ng DIYOS kaya kung sino man ang manglait at umalipusta sa iy0ng kabuuan ay para narin nilang nilait at inalipusta ang DIYOS."
~ Si N Ger (Beverly)@facebook


"A person is created in the image and likeness of God so whoever scoffs and insults the whole person's nature it is like doing the same thing to God."

And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.' (Matthew 25:40)

Even indifference is a form scoff and insult.

'...I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ And these will go off to eternal punishment...” (Matthew 25:45-46)

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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Saving Your Important Day from a Looming Cough

You knew how difficult it is to work when you have a cough. But before it will get worst, to prevent it is good step. A common cough is easy to prevent when I discovered a natural common medicine.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What should your children have not possessed

Making the children happy is parents' natural tendency through material things. However, raising children by forming good values is more important than giving them expensive things. Many parents tends to avalanche their children with costly material things, especially those who work abroad as way of compensating the long absence of their physical presence. They tend to buy for their children expensive or latest mobile phone or laptop, branded shoes, shirts and jeans, high karat jewelry or watch, and even a motorcycle. These children may tend to rely their self esteem in expensive things rather than

Friday, August 28, 2015

A successful stevedore father, well applauded

Common, ordinary job like stevedore whose job is to unload or load goods with overflowing sweat and dirt did not prevent Mr. Carlito Pasigay to be successful in his own way. His daily hardwork to support his family had born good fruits of success. His son Jace Pasigay (inset) became a valectorian in Pedro E. Diaz High School. He is not only molded intellectually but also

Sunday, August 23, 2015

How to spot investment scam and online job scam

How investmet scam works? Investment scam is concealing itself in a form of trust. The scam manipulator uses trusted recognized persons like local officials such as councilors, barangay captains, policemen, or government employees, etc. as the proofs of a seemingly legitimate transaction to the public. Then these trusted persons will recruit their friends, and their friends will recruit their friends as well and so on and so forth. The lure or bait is done with

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Should parents allow their children to use facebook

In a strict sense, I would say NO. Sorry to say that facebook is worser than television in terms of restrictions. What are restricted in the television are shown in facebook pages especially in the category of groups. It is a hub of all kinds of people including perverts, indecent and immodest persons, bullies, rapists, pedophiles, criminals, etc. and good people as well. What then the children will learn as they grow if they use facebook most of the time?

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Flickering Dream: The true story of choosing survival or success

Call her Chel, 20 year old, full of hope, full of ambition and very determined to have a college degree and be successful someday but has been hindered by unconcern, apathy and too much difficulties. She is in 4th year college, studying Information Technology at the same time suffering from annoying three months of persistent cough that causes her body lean. She admitted that she lacked food at times while studying which was reflected in her worn, thin overused slippers. Her mother died when she was young. Her father is a farmer whose livelihood depends on banana yield. In short, her father cannot support her educational needs. However, she made a decision to make her dream come true, to live with her grandmother. But instead of nearing to success she was pulled by unfavorable circumstances,

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Four cheap food to manage constipation

As I read some articles on the web on their solutions of constipation, it did not fit for me. I was following their suggestions but still constipation were insisting. It seemed that they made their article based on what they think and NOT on experience. One solution they offered was vegetable leaves. Sorry to say that it was NOT making any difference even taking them plentifully.

Okay, let's start with the cheap food to help manage constipation.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How to know that a person is reliable or not

Reliability is important in making new relationship with a stranger, or hiring someone whom we do not know, for absence of reliability may put you in danger, dilemma or trouble. That is why a signed agreement of both parties is used to help prevent the unwanted action of the hired person as stated in a contract. But even then it is not a guarantee. Still preventive is better than corrective. So what is needed here is an investigative mind to know the tail of the hidden personality of the new person you relate with.

How to detect unreliable person?

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Preparing for unknown financial disaster

Who won the race between the rabbit and the turtle? Isn't it the turtle? Complacency sometimes put many people in finacial danger. They think that they have big salary and stable job that made them "secure" which would not be the case when sudden change occurred. I have known few of them who were caught unprepared when the bad times hit them, they lost their job and also their almost six-digit salary. The worst scenario

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Requirements of Married Life

Like applying for a job if you do not have the qualifications and requirements, do not apply for marriage or else it will be most likely a failure. Marriage success depends on skills, self preparation, wealth, time and focus. How many marriages were shattered? How many children were raised spoiled, irresponsible, and ill-mannered? If you do not have the qualifications and requirements do not be one of the dysfunctional family by reckoning the needs of married life.

What are the qualifications and requirements of married life?

Friday, July 31, 2015

Making Life Romantic or Boring

As I was looking for an answer "what makes a person romantic or unromantic?", I met a young mother at her 20's though beautiful but it seemed romance bid her goodbye with her unkempt hair, dry skin, worn dress and bored face. What were the reasons of her unromantic look and behavior?

I was pondering on what makes a person romantic or unromantic.
Here are my preliminary results:

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How to Catch your Audience Attention

Is it possible to speak effectively in front of a big group of people even if you do not have the wit? I would say, big yes. It is a matter of practice, exercise, and technique. Like a drama actress or actor who is very effective in delivering their lines, everyone listen attentively. I have a high regard to their acting skills. But when it comes to hosting and spontaneity some flunk in delivering properly and correctly as they read it from the teleprompter. So what were missing? I think they lack practice, and a lot of exercises. So it is possible to be a good speaker, a seller, a class reporter, a lecturer, or a host.

Before practicing and some exercises we have to deal with the techniques first.

Here are the techniques im catching the audience attention:

Sunday, July 26, 2015

How to sell effectively used gadget online

It is annoying to read ads that are too short and lack of details and so the same with very long copy-paste specifications that even unnecessary details were included instead of some important details were missed out, especially about mobile phone or camera.

So how to make good ads that can really invite readers to buy your used gadget without hesitation?

Friday, July 24, 2015

How to regain happiness despite negative circumstances

I was wondering why do some people seem always happy and able to manage well their sanity despite negative events in their lives.

Circumstances that may rob our happiness are cheat, unfairness, fraud, injustice, robbery, slander, infidelity, bad news, threat, fear, worry, etc. How to console your feeling when are preoccupied with some of these?

Possible ways to regain happiness

Monday, July 20, 2015

Flood kills even without drowning: How to survive

Rainy season comes again and so with a possible flood.

Before, I thought that it was easy to survive in a flood. But my assumption was proved wrong when I personally experienced a cold flood. It can really kill even without drowing and that is through hypothermia. I have heard it many times that it was the cause of death of few mountain climbers.

Friday, July 17, 2015

How to Make a Successful Business

Success or failure of a business depends on the number and frequency of customers. The more customers, the merrier. So our goal is to gather not just many customers but loyal customers and buyers as well. If you are a starter in business or if your business seems not improving, this article is of great help.

How to sell a product?
I have witnessed many small scale businesses that operate maybe for decades and yet seemed not improving. While few are expanding and keep enjoying the big sale. There must be some necessary rules or dynamics on selling or else the business will likely to collapse or just gaining the minimum.

Here are the important dynamics in selling a product.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How to Take Care of One's Heart

The title is a very common question and yet significant when health is at risk. So better keep the mind on being healthy than regret later.

Lately I had a mild heart attack, that made me almost to collapse. I am not a smoker, nor a red meat and cholesterol lover, nor hypertensive too. What is the reason of this? What is the cause? These were the questions that were popping in my head.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Bizarre Vehicles in the Philippines

Vehicles are important in transporting goods.

As everyone was passing along the highway everything seemed normal except one unconventional tricycle. Its roof was made of old ripped floormat which was supported by wood and bamboo stick that were attached to the rusty framework of the sidecar. I found out that it was used for carrying trash materials bought from different houses to be sold to the junk shop.